A White House official confirmed that the administration is pulling Dave Weldon's nomination to be director of the Centers ...
The White House has withdrawn its nomination of Dr. Dave Weldon to serve as the director of the US Centers for Disease ...
P resident Donald Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), former Republican ...
Senators told the Trump administration that Dr. Dave Weldon didn’t have the votes to be confirmed, though he had believed his ...
President Trump's nominee to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is getting ready to appear before Congress.
The surprise move came hours before his confirmation hearing, making Weldon the first Trump pick to be withdrawn from ...
Dave Weldon is likely to be questioned about measles infections, a plan to study a debunked link between vaccines and autism, ...
美国总统川普(Donald Trump)撤回共和党前众议员、反疫苗医生韦尔登(Dave Weldon)出任疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)主任的提名,令参议院听证会在举行前数小时取消。这是川普上任以来,白宫首次撤回人事提名。路透社 ...
美国中文网报道 国会参议院卫生委员会周四证实,白宫已经取消了总统川普对前佛州国会众议员韦尔登(Dave Weldon)领导疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的提名。这一消息曝出之前,韦尔登原定周四上午出席委员会的确认听证会。但据《纽约时报》报道,韦尔登在电话采 ...
川普 总统提名佛罗里达州医生韦尔登 (Dave Weldon)掌理联邦 疾病 防治中心 (CDC),但有线电视新闻网 (CNN)13日引述政府高层官员指出,白宫已撤回韦尔登人事案提名。
The Trump administration has retracted the nomination of Dave Weldon to direct the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ...
The Trump administration appears to have reached a bridge too far. On Thursday, the White House withdrew its nomination of ...