Power beaming could allow an orbiting space-based power station to deliver one gigawatt of solar power, enough to power about ...
Columnist Teri Sforza writes that a state watchdog is the latest to begin hearings on ‘urgent policy dilemma.’ ...
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should order American Electric Power to overhaul a transmission cost-sharing pact among its Eastern utilities, Kentucky officials said.
Regional grid operator PJM Interconnection has selected Dominion Energy, AEP, and FirstEnergy to develop critical transmission projects.
By integrating the Iridium Certus 9704 IoT module, Heimdall Power's Neuron sensors can reliably send critical electric power ...
Their complaint at FERC is the latest in a string of disputes nationally over how transmission costs are allocated.
Mercedes-Benz CLA is here as the most advanced entry-level Mercedes-Benz yet. Built on the brand’s MMA platform, the ...
If you were told that renewable energy is to blame for soaring electric bills this winter, you’ve been lied to.
A 140-mile electric transmission line that would bring wind power from northern Maine to the New England grid has been stalled for years, but it was back before the Legislature on Tuesday as lawmakers ...
The complaint accuses the company of unfairly forcing Kentuckians to subsidize utility construction in other states.
KARACHI: K-Electric cautions against kite flying near power infrastructure, urging residents to avoid engaging in ...
Nearly 8,500 Wood County Electric Co-Op customers are without power as of Wednesday night due to a transmission outage ...