韩国星期四 (2月13日)表示,朝鲜正在拆除金刚山旅游特区内的一处设施,该设施是用于接待朝鲜战争后离散家属团聚的会场。朝鲜的举措是朝韩关系进一步加剧的最新迹象。
South Korea's opposition parties on Tuesday submitted a bill to appoint a special counsel and investigate the alleged ...
Five people went missing after a fishing boat with 10 people, including six South Koreans, three Vietnamese and one ...
韩国最高经济智库在四个月内第二度下调了该国经济增长预测,并对美国总统唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump)扩大关税的影响表达担忧。 韩联社报道,韩国开发研究院 (KDI)星期二 ...
SEOUL, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- Five people were rescued after a fishing boat with 10 people on board capsized off South Korea's southern resort island of Jeju on Wednesday, multiple media outlets said.
Jho Shinwoo’s wife, who has spent many years in Hangzhou, went to Jeju Island to care for her daughter, who had just become a ...
8 天
每日经济新闻 on MSN韩国天然气公司(KOREA GAS CORPORATION)股价跌超13%每经AI快讯,2月7日,韩国天然气公司(KOREA GAS CORPORATION)股价下跌超过13%。 每日经济新闻 ...