Ex-BioWare devs of Dragon Age fame are free to comment on how ridiculous the notion is that Veilguard failed because it ...
近期,电子艺界(EA)公开承认,其备受期待的角色扮演游戏《龙腾世纪4:影障守护者》在销售上表现不如预期,玩家数量大约维持在150万左右,这一数字与内部预期相比,有近半的落差。尽管如此,EA首席执行官安德鲁·威尔逊依旧坚定支持《龙腾世纪4》,称其为“高质量”的作品。威尔逊提到,销量未及预期的部分原因在于游戏缺乏“实时服务”特性,他认为,现代游戏市场正在逐渐倾向于共享世界和深度参与的体验,而单人角色扮 ...
此前报道,EA公司承认新作《龙腾世纪4:影障守护者》未能达到内部销售预期,玩家人数约150万,比预期少了近50%。 尽管如此,EA首席执行官安德鲁·威尔逊仍坚称《龙腾世纪4》是一款“高品质”游戏,并将其失利的部分原因归咎于缺少“实时服务型”元素。他认为当前玩家越来越寻求共享世界功能和更深入的参与度,而单人角色扮演游戏的市场竞争也越来越激烈。
Ex-BioWare veteran Mike Laidlaw says he would have quit the company if EA had forced games as a service elements on the Dragon Age series.
Ex-Bioware lead Mike Laidlaw has said that he would have quit the company if he was told that he had to shift the Dragon Age ...
Dragon Age's former creative director Mike Laidlaw shares his response to EA's suggestion that The Veilguard would have done ...
Laidlaw's new team at Yellow Brick Games have released Eternal Strands, a fantasy RPG that isn't currently a live service.
Eternal Strands, launching January 28 on Xbox, PS5, and PC, is the first game from indie studio Yellow Brick Games. The ...