Rendered in dramatic shades of black, an 1883 print by the artist James Tissot depicts a young woman staring out at ... of modern life in the late 19th century. In brightly colored paintings ...
Marriage for working-class women was an economic necessity in 19th-century Britain, as they rarely earned enough to support themselves, let alone any children. For widows, children could be ...
Clara Zetkin was a German leader who engaged with the question of women within the socialist movement. Here is how her ...
the woman who wants a dwelling of her own, easy working and inexpensive. Surely this type of accommodation has its place ... Working women weren’t a new phenomenon; many British women had been factory ...
Sarah Nelson, the inventor of Grasmere Gingerbread®, was a Cumbrian woman of substance, a business pioneer, and ...
Wilson wrote that women belonged in the home doing domestic tasks such as sewing, cooking and raising children and called the working ... book, "Woman in the Nineteenth Century," which argued ...