The electrodes use a water-based gel on the pads that can dry up and make the pads useless and cause the pads to not analyze the heart rhythm. Two adult electrode sets should be with each AED unit at ...
The Powerheart ® G5 AED Trainer simulates different heart arrhythmias and gives students the opportunity to apply defibrillation pads, practice AED use, and perform CPR compressions on a manikin.
This CPR training is an American Heart Association (AHA) Friends and Family course. This training will include CPR for adult and children, choking and the use of the AED defibrillator. It is for ...
Four preprogrammed, simulated rescue scenarios correspond to American Heart Association (AHA) and European Resuscitation Council (ERC) guidelines and the AHA Heartsaver AED curriculum. Instructor ...