Analysis - A swarm of earth tremors and fears of volcanic eruptions in January forced tens of thousands of people to move ...
The landlocked country is just 26,338 square kilometres in size and home to 12.2 million people, making it one of the most ...
Scientists have known for the past two decades that Africa has been splitting. In 2005, Ethiopia experienced earthquakes that caused the appearance of a 35-mile-long fissure in th ...
There are more than 50 different countries in Africa. Narrator: Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It’s a very hilly city, because in and around Edinburgh are many extinct volcanoes ...
Gemechu Bedassa Teferi, a researcher who studies the volcanoes of the Main Ethiopian Rift, unpacks what’s behind the recent events. Eighteen million years ago, the continents broke apart to form ...
Jan. 10, 2025 — A new study based on the sampling and analysis of volcanic ash at Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands, located off Africa's northwest coast, suggests that the composition ...