The Agilent 6220 TOF LC/MS delivers exceptional analytical performance, including 2-ppm mass accuracy, and is ideal for protein and metabolite profiling. The powerful combination of resolving power ...
Mass Spectrometers use magnetic force to detect, identify and determine the concentrations of molecules based on their mass-to-charge ratio. All mass spectrometers must have an ion source, a mass ...
Our LC/QTOF-MS instrument (Agilent 6546) with the JetStream technology is one of the most accurate time-of-flight mass spectrometers in the market. It provides comprehensive screening for a large ...
We will also be showcasing our latest innovations in mass spectrometry, software demos, a wide range of scientific posters, panel discussions, live chat with Agilent product & application experts, and ...
Analysts interested in quantifying volatile organic compounds or pesticides in liquid samples should consider using the gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) system. The gas chromatography ...
With the Agilent Certified Pre-Owned refurbishment process, you can be confident that the Certified Pre-Owned 5977B Mass Spectrometer for GC will provide you the same performance as a new instrument.
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Request a Quote for LC/MS Systems - Liquid Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry Once submitted, we will try and place you in contact with a suitable LC/MS Systems - Liquid Chromatography / Mass ...
However, mass spectrometers have generally been large, delicate and restricted to use in the laboratory. To be more generally useful, and in particular to be useful to clinicians, first responders, ...