The jewellery collection consisted of rings made of gold and metal as well as a triple statue of ancient Egyptian gods, said Mohamed Abdel-Badii, the head of the Egyptian Archaeology Sector.
From its ankles dangled bracelets with little bells of pure gold. The archaeological ... across the countryside as the ancient Romans or Inca did. Instead, the Aztec maintained what some scholars ...
A metal detectorist discovered ancient gold coins in the Netherlands that turned out to be a cult ritual offering. Experts believe the money left at the location was “devil’s money,” an ...
Ancient Ghana derived power and wealth from gold and the introduction of the camel during the Trans-Saharan trade increased the quantity of goods that were transported. Majority of the knowledge ...
"Excavations revealed a 3,000-year-old gold processing complex. The facility featured grinding and crushing stations, filtration and sedimentation basins, and ancient clay furnaces used for ...