stands at the sacrifice site of Pampa la Cruz, a hilltop overlooking his hometown of Huanchaco. As a child, Prieto would explore the ruins of nearby Chan Chan, the ancient Chimú capital.
"Child abandonment was common in the ancient world and human sacrifice is found in many historical societies but child sacrifice is relatively uncommon. Perhaps the future Carthaginians were like ...
The ancient Mayan city of Chichén Itzá ... Cisterns, or chultún, have long been associated with water, rain and child ...
DNA yields new clues. How did the Maya choose sacrifice victims? DNA yields new clues. This ancient society tried to stop El Niño—with child sacrifice This ancient society tried to stop El ...
Carhua was a ten-year old Inca child whose father offered her to the Inca Emperor as a Capacocha sacrifice. She was taken by priests to Cuzco where she met the Inca Emperor, and on her return ...