For nearly 30 million years, a 2,000-pound beast known as the entelodont ruled a sweeping empire from Mongolia to what is now ...
Scientists have long debated why Earth and Mars lack certain essential elements. A new study reveals that these missing ...
Research on hidden structures deep within Earth’s mantle challenges theories about our planet’s middle layer and could ...
One photographer put the age of starlight into perspective with stunning projections on some of Earth's oldest rock ...
The organic ingredients to life, hints to where Earth’s water came from, and the fundamental building blocks of our planet ...
Imagine creatures that have survived since the time of dinosaurs. Species like the tuatara, sturgeon, crocodile, hagfish, ...
New research shows that when an asteroid slammed into the moon billions of years ago, it carved out a pair of grand canyons ...
Recent research reveals that an ancient asteroid impact on the Moon created massive canyons on its far side. This finding ...