Challenging coursework helps develop a student’s foundation in science. The AFS Major requires courses in calculus, writing, chemistry, genetics, economics, and biology. Examples of core classes and ...
Career opportunities for students with a B.S. in aquatic and fisheries science include fisheries science, wetland science, limnology, marine biology and oceanography, and numerous conservation-related ...
The certificate provides foundation in the fundamentals of marine science, along with specialized upper-division coursework in aquatic science that can be helpful for future careers and graduate study ...
Eutrophication is also associated with major changes in aquatic ... Science 174, 897-899 (1974). Schindler, D. W. Recent advances in the understanding and management of eutrophication. Limnology ...
Marine chemistry; air-sea CO2 flux; carbon cycling in estuaries and coastal oceans; global changes; sensor development; acid-base and redox chemistry in aquatic environments.
The Connelly lab is an aquatic ecology lab with a focus on anthropogenic and natural stressors ... including the Rochester Academy of Science and the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and ...
You'll blend a rigorous academic core with electives meant to further your individual career goals—whether conservation biology, aquatic ecology ... hydrology and limnology, along with the scientific ...
Eutrophication is also associated with major changes in aquatic ... Science 174, 897-899 (1974). Schindler, D. W. Recent advances in the understanding and management of eutrophication. Limnology ...
My research program blends basic and applied research, and integrates across aquatic habitats including stream ... I currently teach undergrad and graduate courses in Ecology and Limnology, as well a ...
The Center for Aquatic and Watershed Sciences (CAWS) was established to promote research and education on the linkages between watersheds and aquatic ecosystems. CAWS brings together faculty, students ...
An international study shows how chemical fingerprints left by "underappreciated" aquatic organisms could help scientists monitor global environmental change. The study, led by the University of ...