An curved arrow pointing right. A US Army combat medic breaks down every piece of gear they carry on deployment, including medication, bandages, airway-management devices, and surgical tools.
The U.S. Army recently published Field Manual 3-96 (FM 3-96), The Brigade Combat Team. FM 3-96, whose predecessor was FM 3-90.6, provides doctrine for the brigade combat team, and describes ...
A United States Army officer shares a modified combat rig that could offer service members a more optimized alternative to the traditional TAPS, or tactical assault panel system. In November ...
As a rancher and farmhand who didn't graduate from high school, he hoped enlisting in the U.S. Army would be his ticket ... Bleak was a combat medic, tending to his wounded comrades and defending ...
Sean Edmunds, who is originally from Hengoed in Caerphilly county, was hurt in a bomb blast while serving as an army combat medic in 2007. He moved from Wales to upstate New York in 2000 where he ...