A terrifying new animation has revealed the projected path of the 'city-destroying' asteroid heading towards Earth. And it suggests that Earth isn't the only object in the firing line.
XR flew about 1.37 million miles (2.2M km) away from Earth. The space rock is estimated to be about 300-700 km (248-434 miles ...
Troubles for the British company come just weeks after the UK division of Technicolor filed for administration.
Lucy is preparing for a close encounter with the asteroid Donaldjohanson, a key milestone before its groundbreaking journey ...
Chilling animations depict the apocalyptic impact that “city-killer” asteroid YR4 2024 could have if it did hit Earth — while astronomers warn that the moon could be in the line of fire as well.
The narrow difference is due to the two agencies’ use of different tools for determining the asteroid’s orbit and modeling its potential impact. But both percentages rise above the 2.7% chance ...
A Chilean space telescope has captured striking images of YR4 2024, the “city-killer” asteroid that’s potentially on a collision course with Earth. “Only a few asteroids have been studied ...
Not much is known about 2024 YR4, but the asteroid is estimated to be 131 to 295 feet (40 to 90 meters) wide, a “size range comparable to that of a large building,” said Dr. Paul Chodas ...
That’s a 1 in 59,000 possibility of impact, meaning there is a 99.9983% chance that the asteroid will safely zip by Earth in seven years, according to NASA. The agency also shared that the new ...
An asteroid nearly the size of a football field now has roughly a 0.004% chance of hitting Earth in about eight years, NASA says — with the space agency saying it "no longer poses a significant ...
Update: The odds of asteroid 2024 YR4 striking Earth in 2032 have fallen to 1.5%, NASA announced Wednesday. Read the latest. The risk that an increasingly ominous asteroid dubbed 2024 YR4 will ...