About 5% of this is trades between the Australian and US dollars. The exchange rate fluctuates from day to day, indeed from minute to minute. Since it was floated in 1983, the Australia dollar has ...
Detailed price information for Australian Dollar/Brazilian Real (AUDBRL) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.
Detailed price information for Papua New Guinea Kina/Australian Dollar (PGKAUD) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.
The Australian dollar has fallen ... have spilled over to [weakness in] the Aussie dollar. "The Yuan is really finishing the year on a very weak note under a lot of pressure." ...
The weaker dollar is bad news for travellers, motorists and those buying products from overseas, and Australia could be ... The Aussie dollar has now lost 12.5 per cent against the US dollar ...
says Ballinger Group’s Kyle Chapman in a note. “The dollar is incredibly sensitive to the tariff outlook right now, and the new administration is already setting a tone suggesting that the ...