Autoimmune diseases ... and may influence disease susceptibility. Cytokines: Proteins that are important in cell signaling, especially in immune responses. This Nature Research Intelligence ...
An acute necrotising myopathy is a distinct form of uncommon muscle disease characterised by the rapid advancement of ...
Yet despite taking many forms, there’s one unifying factor that ties together at least 75% of people who have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease ... get tricky: As nature’s way of ensuring ...
Although a relatively rare phenomenon, lymphocytic hypophysitis can represent a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. This condition was initially thought to be an autoimmune phenomenon ...
In a recent review published in the journal Nature ... Sleep loss can trigger inflammatory responses, worsen heart disease, and contribute to autoimmune conditions like narcolepsy.
A recent review highlights the critical role of DNA exonucleases and endonucleases in immune response and disease management, shedding new light on their potential applications in genomic stability, ...