An curved arrow pointing right. Kathryn Boren: My name is Kathryn Boren. I'm a dancer at American Ballet Theatre. I started when I was about three years old, which is really young but probably by ...
Benefits of Ballet Workout: Ballet Workout Routine for Glutes and Abs Ballet Workout expert Yasmina Sancayo presents a four-week routine focused on strengthening glutes and abs. In this second ...
Transform Your Core with Elegant Moves This 10-minute ballet workout ... control of dancers, you can work your abs while improving your posture and toning your body. Give this routine a try ...
A barre workout is a fitness routine combining elements of classical ... Researchers comparing professional ballet dancers to individuals with no dance training found that ballet dancers had ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Ballet prodigy, author and star of the Under Armour commercials, Misty Copeland, gives us the secret to how dancers maintain their long, lean look. Produced by ...
The barre method was created by Lotte Berk, a German ballet dancer ... more approachable for non-dancers, Sweeney says. If you're looking to mix up your workout routine, barre can be a great ...