Skin cancer stands as the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the United States, bringing about millions of cases annually.
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., with risks influenced by factors like sun exposure, skin type, and income.
"This is the one that will give doctors sleepless nights and it’s called an amelanotic melanoma and that’s basically a ...
A doctor has taken to TikTok to reveal the type of mole that causes concern among medical professionals. Dr Michael, known as ...
Deborah S. Sarnoff, M.D., talks about the recent breakthrough treatments that are paving the way to treat patients with ...
The longtime local news meteorologist has been temporarily absent from broadcasts as he manages his health, but he’ll be back ...
A new study reveals concerning risks associated with tattoos, including higher rates of lymphoma and skin cancer.
Discover the link between alcohol consumption and sunburn. Learn how alcohol affects your sun protection habits.
The risk for skin cancer (any type except basal cell carcinoma) was 1.62 times higher among tattooed individuals in the case-control study.
ALTON Spring is just days away, the summer season will be here before we know it, temps will be getting warmer, and that ...
Former Emmerdale star Liam Fox has revealed his eight-year battle to get skin cancer treatment. The actor, who is best known ...
Dermatoscope imaging processed with AI has been in use in the UK for 4 years with accuracy shown to be at least equal to expert evaluation, leading to other advantages for the hospital system.