The direct object in our sample sentence “Matt eats pizza” is pizza. Matt eats what? Pizza. An indirect object tells us to whom or for whom an action is done. To understand this concept, we need to ...
The first verb is 'remember', the second verb is 'tell'. In sentences like this, there are two main patterns. For example: (a) I want to buy a diamond ring. (b) I remember telling her about the ...
from the verb OBOEMASU. The basic pattern is just to change MASU to TE. For an example, a verb meaning "to eat" is TABEMASU. Its TE-form is TABETE. So, TABETE KUDASAI means "Please eat." ...
A verb infinitive is the basic form of a verb ... Regular verbs follow the same pattern of spelling changes at the end of the verb. Once you know how the spelling of an -er verb changes, you ...