The field of forest management is increasingly acknowledging the necessity to incorporate psychological principles into its ...
The fundamental tenet of the Behavioral Neuroscience Program is that a complete understanding of behavior entails unraveling mechanisms and principles at any and all levels of organization (i.e., ...
Behavioral economics uses an understanding of human psychology to account for why people deviate from rational action when they’re making decisions. In the model of rational action assumed by ...
Our philosophy is that this mission is best achieved by providing each student a firm academic foundation in both psychology and neuroscience curriculums, and by engaging students in systematic ...
Students graduating from the BPSG area advance to faculty and research positions in diverse areas within psychology, genetics, and psychiatry ... It is an exciting time for researchers and trainees in ...
Both a B.A. and Ph.D. are offered. Psychology is a science based on a large body of social and behavioral research that is expanding its boundaries to overlap with neuroscience and health science.
A psychological and behavioral science degree prepares you for various psychology-related careers and enhances your ability to work through challenges in everyday life. Studying psychology enables ...
Fellows will also have opportunities to work with psychiatry residents, teach psychology seminars to medical students, and participate in ongoing research protocols. View the Rotations webpage for ...
Behavioral economics combines elements of economics and psychology to understand how and why people behave the way they do in the real world. It differs from neoclassical economics, which assumes that ...
The University of Wyoming's Department of Psychology is your first stop to creating a life-long career in social and behavioral sciences. We strive to provide students with training in psychological ...
Understanding the psychology of spending is more than just ... to achieve financial stability and success. By delving into ...