Thane: They look like marks made by giant claws, my Lord. Beowulf: They must be the work of Grendel. Hrothgar: Beowulf - I am Hrothgar! You are welcome in our land but you have come at a sad time.
Beowulf has defeated Grendel but now he must battle another monster - Grendel's mother. Ensure you watch the Beowulf episodes to assess suitability before sharing with your group. The Danes and ...
Grendel is an adaptation of the 1971 John Gardner novel of the same name, which retells the Old English epic poem Beowulf ...
a vivid reimagining of the epic poem Beowulf, as a cautionary tale. True to the ancient myth, Grendel, a monstrous creature described as ‘mankind’s enemy’ is killed by Beowulf, but it is ...