Biological attack plan on the USA Operation PX, known as "Cherry Blossoms at Night," was to be a combination of biological weapons raids and kamikaze attacks. The plan involved using I-400 ships ...
The move is the most aggressive attack yet by the Trump administration to undo previous efforts to limit the emissions that are warming the planet.
This technology is fast enough for them to adopt that they could misuse it and do real harm," he told BBC News, pointing to the risk of weapons being developed for "a bad biological attack from ...
“This case involved an incredibly dangerous biological weapon,” said Clay ... ricin in order to commit an "Islamist-motivated" attack, according to ⁠reporting by Reuters.
It would also undermine the potential contributions of nuclear weapons to the deterrence of attack by biological weapons.” In 2010, the Obama administration’s Nuclear Posture Review explicitly ... If attack is outdoors, and you are outdoors, take shelter quickly in the closest building, close all windows/doors ...
Could terrorists prepare a ‘dirty bomb’ technically known as radiological dispersal device (RDD) to carry out a terrorist attack? UNCCT and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism ...
AUSTIN, Texas— The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals today rejected an attack on the Endangered Species Act’s ... Travis Audubon, the Center for Biological Diversity and Defenders of Wildlife intervened in ...
Chemical and biological warfare isn't new. Even in ancient times, war wasn't all swords and longbows. Some examples: Unrestricted use of chemical agents caused 1 million of the 26 million ...