For a black hole with a mass of 7x (10^12 ... they also go 'supernova', a huge explosion that expels the matter from the outer layers of the star into deep space.
rightarrow{neutron~star,~or~a~black~hole~(depending~on~size)}\) After the main sequence period, they expand and become red super giants. This is followed by an explosion in which the outer layers ...
This white dwarf appears to be shedding its outer layers, a process that may be preventing it from being completely consumed by the black hole's immense gravitational pull. Dr. William Alston says ...
The Black Hole found on the island of South Andros is ... Dive category: This is a low visibility dive with many hazards due to harmful toxic layers of water and low visibility.
Chris Cornell of Soundgarden came up with 'Black Hole Sun' when he misheard a news anchor on TV saying something that sounded like the title.