Although the goldspotted oak borer’s name strikes the ear as whimsical, it’s actually quite literal. The less-than-one-half-inch beetle is adorned with six gold spots on its back. Larvae ...
In all, there are 17 tree species that can be killed by the shothole borer beetle, Woodward noted, but the list does not include the redwood that is ubiquitous in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Conservationists need to act fast, though. Researchers make breakthrough discovery after studying genetics of trees: 'There is a need for proactive conservation' first appeared on The Cool Down.
Once the beetle arrives in New York options available to the forest owner will also shrink due to quarantine. The picture is bleak. Emerald ash borer continues to devastate ash in this country and it ...
An emerald ash borer has been successfully trapped at Adirondack ... in the state have yet to record the beetle's existence. The invasive bugs, which are native to Asia and were first spotted ...
Avian species significantly reduce coffee berry borer beetle infestations in Costa Rica. Amid cuts to federal funding, US universities tighten budgets, forcing PhD students and early-career ...
Durbanville residents have been urged to inspect the trees on their properties for symptoms of the invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle (PSHB) and contact the City immediately should any of ...
The town said it is taking action to remove the trees from property it owns as they become infested with the emerald ash borer, an iridescent-green invasive beetle native to parts of Asia and Russia.
The tree killing pest, the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Beetle (PSHB), has made an appearance in the Penhill area after sowing devastation in Somerset West. The City said it was first notified of a ...
Here are the updates on four insect pests in the region: For the second year in a row, the western balsam bark beetle was the deadliest forest pest across Colorado, despite less acres impacted by ...
T hat pesky pest, the invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle (PSHB), has made its way to Durbanville and has nested in a Boxelder and Sweet Viburnum tree on a private property. The City has ...