Joined on his travels by partner Holly Booth, 32, Mr Harvey chronicles his trips on social media, where he shares selfies outside the pubs he visits on a daily basis. The Great British Pub Crawl ...
Since March 16, 2022, Dale Harvey has stepped into over 5,020 pubs, criss-crossing the UK from Edinburgh to Penzance in search of the best British pub. “I did 20 yesterday,” he says ...
The pub’s landlords wrote: ‘Like many beloved pubs across the country ... There are also ties to war – British and American troops reportedly enjoyed tipples at the establishment before ...
The British pub industry is facing a crisis, with around six pubs closing every week in 2024, resulting in approximately 4,500 job losses, according to the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA).
"Pubs are more than places to drink alcohol, they are the heartbeat of the community. If we lose the British pub, it would be catastrophic." Last year, the British Beer and Pub Association ...