we mentioned the Akritai (or Akritoi), a group of light infantry soldiers who guarded the eastern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire and were recruited from the peasants of the border provinces. Today, ...
The famous helmet from the ship burial at Sutton Hoo in England may be evidence that Anglo-Saxon warriors fought as mercenaries for the Byzantine Empire ... worn by some soldiers in the Byzantine ...
The burial sites have been dated to approximately 575AD, when England was still part of the Eastern Roman Empire. Prior research has shown that soldiers in Britain were recruited by the Byzantine ...
Many factors contributed to the survival of the Byzantine Empire. It had a good infrastructure system ... the Byzantines were able to provide medical attention to soldiers and civilians alike. Over a ...
The Theodosian Walls protected Constantinople for just over ten centuries until the city fell to the Ottomans in 1453. Yet, the wall survived both the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, with sections of ...
During the Byzantine period, the city became a major religious center, attracting worshipers from across the Roman Empire. The remains of the “monk” at the time of the find. Credit: Israel Antiquities ...
During the Byzantine period, Jerusalem blossomed into a major religious hub, attracting worshipers from across the Roman Empire. Monasteries served not only as spiritual centers but also as ...