But she isn’t the first baby animal to cause visitors to Portland’s zoo to audibly say, “Awwwwww.” Here are 12 sweet animal babies that have taken up residence at The Oregon Zoo ...
The Oregon Zoo’s newest baby elephant arrived over the weekend. At 4:29 p.m. Saturday, Rose-Tu gave birth to a calf that appeared to be a healthy girl, weighing in the vicinity of 200 pounds.
The Oregon Zoo is set to welcome visitors to meet its newest resident, Tula-Tu, a 2-week-old Asian elephant calf. Beginning Friday, Feb. 21, Tula-Tu and her mother, Rose-Tu, will be available for ...
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The Oregon Zoo has officially named Rose-Tu’s baby! The zoo announced Thursday morning that the young Asian elephant calf will be named Tula-Tu, a name that they say ...
PORTLAND Ore. (KPTV) - The Oregon Zoo says one of its elephants could give birth any day now. Rose-Tu is 20 months pregnant as of Monday, and her due date is expected to come sometime between the ...
Tula-Tu, a two-week-old female Asian elephant calf born at the Oregon Zoo, will finally make her public debut Friday. The baby elephant has spent the past few weeks bonding with her mother ...
Explore some of the world's cutest, ferocious and exotic critters at the Oregon Zoo. The zoo houses more than 2,500 animals representing more than 200 different species ranging from reptiles to ...
The Oregon Zoo has determined that the newest member of its Asian elephant herd is indeed a girl, and given her a name: Tula-Tu. Oregon Zoo director Heidi Rahn made the announcement live on NBC ...