If you answered yes to any of these questions, then a career in chemistry or biochemistry may be the right calling for you. Countless vocations are open to chemistry and biochemistry majors, both ...
Biochemistry explores chemical processes related to living organisms. It is a laboratory-based science combining biology and chemistry. Biochemists study the structure, composition, and chemical ...
Although these four careers focus more on the application of both biology and chemistry, a degree in biochemistry can also lead to other positions as a chemist or a biologist, depending on the desired ...
Biochemistry students can participate in research on-campus ... opportunity to apply your academic knowledge across various fields, preparing you for dynamic careers that span multiple disciplines. In ...
Our graduates are extremely well-prepared for careers in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, academics, and industry. Over the last 2 years, 70% of our Chemistry and Biochemistry ...
Our BA and BS programs in Biochemistry both provide a strong foundation in biomedical sciences. Both programs prepare students well for postgraduate studies and careers in health sciences or research.
This course will provide training in both transferable and subject-specific skills. Your experience of group-based activities, literature research, applied science communication, data management and ...
The rest of our graduates go into a diverse range of careers, including teaching or communicating science, as well as careers unrelated to biological sciences including management, finance, marketing ...
Recent biochemistry graduates have pursued a wide variety of careers, including research scientists working in both industrial and government settings, academic scholars ranging from national ...
The biochemistry concentration provides a foundation for careers in such fields as medicine and biotechnology, as well as in fields involving research in any branch of the biological sciences. The ...
The biochemistry major provides students with interdisciplinary training in the biological and chemical sciences. The undergraduate degree emphasizes knowledge and understanding of living organisms, ...