Animal cartoon characters resemble animals and can talk, dress, and act like humans. These characters are animals such as cats, bears, dogs, and more, and they often teach viewers important ...
Looking back, there were a lot of cartoon animals that were fly AF. As weird as that might feel to admit, there’s no denying we felt something a little more for suave, sexy characters like ...
Featuring a Peter Brookes print and President Trump; Harry Harrison and The Year of the Snake; Steve Hill and the Dallas ...
Looking back at the best cartoons of the 1950s needs to take into account the era. With the ravages of World War Two somewhat receding and film production and attendance stabilising, animated feature ...
Animal rights group PETA are protesting a Dallas-Fort Worth Peppa Pig theme park after calling them out for selling meat and ...
That Porky Pig is a real stand-up guy. How can you not like him? Yosemite Sam is a different animal. A real meanie? Oh wait, ...
If you are a fan of the iconic cartoon cat Garfield, then we have your very own version: BIG MAN! Take a look at Big Man's ...
I will often break the boundaries of reality, and it feels easier since they're all cartoon animal people. If I was drawing pictures of myself and my friends and family and people I know ...