Sample exam questions - cell biology - AQA Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Question types will include multiple choice, structured, mathematical and ...
Studying self-organization processes in cell biology forces us to focus on principles and collective behaviours rather than on single molecules. This makes it necessary to use mathematics and ...
Passes in the following NCEA standards are highly recommended: level 1, AS90927 (microorganisms); level 2, AS91153 (practical investigation), AS91156 (cellular processes), AS91157 (genetic variation), ...
Widely used as a genome editing tool, the CRISPR-Cas9 system allows researchers to precisely induce frameshift mutations in specific genes or insert foreign nucleic acid sequences into a cell’s DNA.
US-based biotechnology company Inceptor Bio has dosed the first subject in the investigator-initiated trial of its lead programme, IB-T101, for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). The trial ...