Imagine waking up exhausted, every movement feeling like wading through cement. Now imagine that never changing. This is the ...
Understanding the body's need for balance can help make sense of how things go awry. We can manage acute stress, but when ...
过去,关于 ME/CFS 全球患病率的统计数据并不准确,这导致了一系列问题。许多研究对该疾病的重视程度不足,相关医疗资源投入也较少。患者不仅要忍受身体上的痛苦,还面临着社会的误解和忽视,被孤立、 stigmatized(污名化)的情况屡见不鲜。为了改变这一现状,准确评估 ME/CFS 的全球疾病负担迫在眉睫。
The British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) provide further insights into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic ...
Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is an organic, debilitating and multifaceted process. Its heterogeneous onset and clinical presentation with additional comorbidities ...
Developing myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is significantly more likely after a case of COVID-19, an ...
People experiencing dizziness may be experiencing symptoms of a condition that may be more likely suffered if they have ...
People suffering from frequent dizziness when getting up could actually have a condition sometimes associated with covid ...
Learning the facts about lupus can mean the difference between early treatment and serious complications that impact quality ...
Standardizing data collection in ME/CFS research through Common Data Elements is a crucial step toward improving diagnosis, ...
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a common condition that affects many women, causing physical, emotional, and behavioural ...
Five years after the pandemic started, 2 million people still need treatment for long COVID. Doctors say there’s much yet to ...