Kevin Phelps, Glendale's city manager for the past decade, will step down from the role when his contract ends next February.
Glendale expects to see its population and workforce to keep growing over the next decade, so the city is looking to hike the fees it charges developers to fund parks and library services ...
The city of Glendale is ready for its next era. After nearly a decade leading Glendale's roughly 2,000 employees, Kevin ...
The city of Glendale announced a call for artists to design, fabricate, and install unique and captivating artwork for the ...
City of Glendale in January of 2022. She joined the city because she recognized an opportunity to be a part of a thriving city and make an impact for generations to come. Her background spans more ...
Copper wire thieves have left a Glendale park and other spaces in the dark, causing frustration for the community and costly repairs for the city.
Glendale seeks artists for a City Hall art project, with submissions due April 11 and final selection on May 20.
Desmond Shaw flies to Glendale for tonight's episode of Look At This! 'You F***ed Up And Picked The Wrong Psychopath On The Spectrum,' Says Joe Rogan, Claiming He's Not Here To Steal People's ...
Ladan Yusuf, a co-founder of Defend Glendale & Public Housing Coalition, said their application to get the Townhomes historically designated is supported by Minnesota’s State Historic Preservation ...
West-East Connections Study to review options that can improve transportation connections between parts of city.
Looking for information on Glendale Airport, Glendale, United States? Know about Glendale Airport in detail. Find out the location of Glendale Airport on United States map and also find out airports ...