The process of deciphering notes, rhythms, and articulations by ear enhances your understanding of musical structure and ...
Celebrate jazz and the artists who made or make it on their big day! Courtesy of your friends at All About Jazz. Check out our cool jazz birthday calendar page.
Celebrate jazz and the artists who made or make it on their big day! Courtesy of your friends at All About Jazz. Check out our cool jazz birthday calendar page.
Photographers were inspired by the cool sensibilities of jazz musicians as they practiced their craft. Learn more about jazz and the birth of cool in the National Portrait Gallery's online exhibition ...
Enter to win tickets for Starbucks 28th Annual Hot Java Cool Jazz on Friday, March 28 at The Paramount Theatre.
“Working with Jazz In the Neighborhood, we’re supporting musicians, creating a more exciting scene and offering something to ... “People want special events, and we thought, how cool would it be to ...
Now, there have always been black musicians, though ... CROUCH: I think Dave put out a record called Jazz Red Hot and Cool, which was recorded here in New York sometime in the mid-fifties.
In early 2018, a quartet of well-known area jazz musicians came together, as jazz musicians do, and formed an ensemble they called Pulse to explore, they say, “melodic shape, harmonic subtlety, ...