Cotton harvest is starting to commence across Oklahoma, with one-third of the crop stripped from the stalks. USDA’s weekly Crop Progress Report shows harvest progress is right in line with ...
Big cotton is in the harvest cards, according to USDA’s latest report. Low commodity prices for corn, grain sorghum and soybeans pulled in more cotton acreage in 2017, and the numbers are ...
Taylor County cotton farmers are glad to turn the page on 2024 — if for no other reason than in the hopes of a better harvest in 2025. So how did last year’s cotton crop fare? “Not good ...
According to the company, conventional self-propelled cotton harvesters leave 5-20% of the product on plants, and the only way to harvest it is by hand — a grueling and expensive task.
Uzbekistan is one of the few cotton-growing countries that has not mechanized the cotton harvest and continues to rely on manual labor to pick cotton. In 2014, the Government of Uzbekistan decided to ...