Everything you could want in a ground cover exists in white clover ... make sure your living mulch system does not compete with the cash crop for light, nutrients and moisture.
State hay market summary reports for the week ending March 8, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Market News Service.
Crop* Management* Earthworms/m 2 Cont ... Leave surface mulch: no-till ridge-till cover crops Add or grow organic matter: manure hay set-aside cover crops _____ The question often arises, "Is it ...
Soil-health farmers and researchers will lead a free workshop focused on incorporating cover crops into a farming operation and seeking to diverse crops this month at Riverland Community College in ...
When it comes to forage and cover crops, winter rye offers rock-star ... the ability to take up excess soil nitrate from a previous crop or fall-applied manure, decreasing the risk of run-off ...
A series of laboratory and field experiments were conducted to compare larval development, feeding behavior, and ovipositional preference of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) on a standard host ...
“Hay supplies are in good shape so far due to last year’s bumper crop,” Caperton said. “I’m advising producers to be mindful of the moisture situation going into the spring as we are behind.
PIRSA has cut its estimate for the state’s 2024-25 winter crop to 5.2Mt, making it the smallest since 2008-09, and 43pc below ...