Free listening activities for ESL teachers, including audio files and matching worksheets and tests. A powerful tool, provided by the U.S. Department of State's site, American English for English ...
Great Plains College in Kindersley has announced an extension of its free English as a Second Language (ESL) conversation ...
Welcome to London' is an intermediate English language course allowing users to practise their reading, listening and pronunciation skills. It follows two characters, John and Fiona, through a ...
Refresh your understanding with our snappy animations. Play our fun Karate Cats game to practice your literacy skills. All our KS1 English content is hand-picked by BBC Bitesize to help you feel ...
As in 2020, this year’s DSE English exam will comprise ... make special time to brush up on your pre-listening skills for Paper 3. When doing practice papers, start by answering the following ...