New active ingredients such as antibodies are usually tested individually in laboratory animals. Researchers at UZH have now developed a technology that can be used to test around 25 antibodies ...
We will look at a very easy experiment that provides lots of information about the strength or the mechanical behavior of a material, called the tensile test. The basic idea of a tensile test is to ...
The ganzfeld experiment was thought to be the link between this field and the scientific community. Researchers have tried to test this link by placing a person — called the receiver — in a ...
Many modern drugs are based on antibodies. These proteins very specifically identify a certain structure on the surface of ...
You may also be offered a blood test or a lumbar puncture to test for proteins called amyloids which can build up and form plaque in the brain, which is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
On Tuesday, the team behind the plan to bring mammoth-like animals back to the tundra announced the creation of what it is ...
“People often forget that cooking is incredibly scientific … and adjusting cooking temperature to the properties and structures of the proteins ... noted the experiment wasn’t conducted ...