It is also the nickname of Nissan's GT-R range, which has become the automaker's most respected supercar over the decades, ...
Liberty Walk sells all of the pieces as a set for $29,260. However, the price is before fitment and painting. A regular GT-R R32 is worth $52,900 in good condition, according to Hagerty’s valuation.
It doesn't look like a giant city-crushing monster, so why is Nissan's GT-R called "Godzilla"? We talked to the man who ...
Many people dream about owning or at least driving a Nissan Skyline GT-R. The newer the model and the lower the budget, the ...
首先,原本的RB26DETT双涡轮增压发动机已不复存在,取而代之的是一对电动机,提供了更为灵敏和高效的动力输出。五速手动变速箱也被换成了换挡拨片,以保留驾驶员在换挡过程中的操控乐趣和传统驾驶体验。每台电动机的输出功率为215马力,扭矩340牛·米,日 ...
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在今年的东京改装车展上,一个令人意想不到的消息震惊了车迷们:日产居然将经典的GT-R R32进行了油改电处理,推出了一款纯电版本的复古跑车。这一举动立刻在车迷圈内引发了轩然大波,许多人对这一决定表示不解和失望。 众所周知,GT-R R32作为日产旗下的经典跑车,曾以其卓越的性能和独特的设计赢得了无数车迷的喜爱。然而,如今日产却选择将其改造成电动车,这一决定无疑让许多人对日产的未来方向产生了质疑。
作为曾经的东瀛战神,GT-R R32以其卓越的性能和独特的设计,在无数车迷心中留下了深刻的印象。然而,如今这款经典车型却被赋予了新的生命形态,以纯电动的姿态重新出现在世人面前。这不禁让人感叹,时代真的变了。 据悉,这款纯电动GT-R ...
Nissan unveiled the R32 EV, a fully-electric version of the classic 1989 Skyline GT-R. The one-off model features a dual-motor AWD system delivering 429 hp and 501 lb-ft. A 62 kWh battery powers ...
使用微信扫码将网页分享到微信 日产在 Skyline GT-R R32 诞生 36 年后,日产推出了它的纯电版本。 为了复制 2.6L 双涡轮增压直列 6 缸发动机的动力 ...