(纽约12日讯)谷歌(Google)收购眼动追踪新创公司AdHawk ...
C114讯 3月10日消息(南山)据台媒报道,在MWC 2025期间,HTC全球高级副总裁、全球销售及市场负责人黄昭颖接受媒体采访时表示,公司持续推出XR硬件,但更加聚焦软件、内容与平台业务,瞄准三大成长领域。
The exceptionally low-cost VR googles, literally made from folded cardboard, were a massive hit when they were unveiled back in 2014. But despite Google’s best efforts to introduce premium ...
With its new operating system, Google is making an ambitious return to the AR and VR spaces (they aren't the same, though the spectrum between them is broadly called mixed reality, or XR).
根据外媒CNBC报道,三星计划于2025年内推出全新扩展实境(XR)头戴设备Project Moohan,与Apple Vision Pro直接竞争。这款新设备由三星与Google联手打造,将运行Android ...
The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox.
TIME introduced seven artists to Google's Tilt Brush, a virtual reality program that lets users create art in three dimensions using the HTC Vive headset. PRODUCED BY JOSH RAAB ...
Judges will whittle down the 10 up-and-coming designers and illustrators to three prize-winners, whose work will feature in the Annual Awards issue of Creative Review ...
Unfortunately, this definition implies that all headsets are roughly equivalent — that a $30 Google Cardboard will do the same thing as an $800 HTC Vive. But as VR headsets start appearing on ...
more Google partnered with the Syndicat Mixte de la Grotte Chauvet to bring this project to life on devices that support AR and VR features, or on the web. The collection contains some 54 curated ...