A first-grade teacher at Andover Elementary School in Orlando was arrested by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office this week on ...
Stephanie Boshears is the only Tennessee recipient for the 2024-25 award and is the first-ever recipient in Oneida Special ...
Carl David Innmon, a fifth grade Baranoff Elementary School teacher, has been charged with possession of child pornography ...
When third-grade special education teacher Ashley Kapp introduced a game to her students at Olney’s Brooke Grove Elementary ...
As a reward for their hard work and determination, Hillcrest Elementary hosted a "touch-a-tractor" event for students.
LONG GROVE, Iowa — The bright smile of a former student of Alan Sheppard Elementary School now lives on in a blood drive. The ...
The changes would affect students from kindergarten to Grade 8, OCDSB announces major restructuring of elementary program The board says it's simplifying the system to keep cohorts intact ...
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A fifth grade teacher at Baranoff Elementary School was arrested after he was accused of possessing child pornography, the school’s principal confirmed in a letter to families.
Fancher Elementary partnered with Mount Pleasant Police in order to celebrate March as Reading Month this week.
Middle school students in Niskayuna can expect reconfiguration to begin earlier than anticipated, with construction having ...