As climate change makes vast mineral deposits accessible, the island’s 56,000 residents face unprecedented pressure from ...
The Greenland shark lives in one of the most extreme environments. Temperatures frequently fall below zero, yet this shark thrives. It’s predicted that this shark could live to 200 years old ...
Previous research has shown that the Greenland shark, which lives in the deep waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, has a lifespan extending to nearly 400 years. It is the largest extant ...
While the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) may not have the same fame as the great white shark, it holds an impressive distinction: it is the longest-living vertebrate species known to ...
A first-ever analysis of the whole Greenland shark genome gives researchers a couple of clues to their longevity. When this Greenland shark was born, Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa. The species is ...
How Greenland sharks' features protect them from Cancer To reveal the secret of Greenland shark's long and healthy life, a group of researchers performed a comprehensive genomic analysis.
While sequencing a Greenland shark’s genome, researchers in Japan discovered multiple copies of genes that might help explain why the animals don’t often get cancer, reports New Scientist’s ...
Nielsen and his colleagues found that the estimated age of a Greenland shark was over 272 years, though some models suggested that the upper age limit could be nearly 500 years. Its discovery ...
The longevity secret of the Greenland shark, known as the longest-living vertebrate on Earth, has been revealed. There are many genes closely related to cancer that regulate immune responses ...