Discovered in the 18th century, the Helix Nebula, located about 700 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius, belongs ...
This color-composite image of the Helix Nebula was created from images obtained ... at the La Silla observatory in Chile. The blue-green glow in the center of the Helix comes from oxygen atoms ...
The rapidly spinning neutron star embedded in the center of the nebula is the dynamo powering ... nitrogen (represented by red), hydrogen (green), and doubly ionized oxygen (blue).
The Orion Nebula, 1,344 light-years away, shines in vibrant colors and serves as a stellar nursery for new stars. The Helix Nebula, 650 light-years away, resembles a cosmic eye formed by a dying ...
Orion Nebula: It is a cloud of dust and gas located in the constellation Orion. Thousands of stars are being born there. NGC 281: Dark, dense clumps of gas and dust known as 'Bok globules' can be ...