It melts at 3727 C. The stable form of carbon at room temperature is Graphite which has a hexagonal crystal structure. (Top diagram) Diamond is metastable at room temperature and has a diamond cubic ...
Physicists have successfully created a lab-grown diamond with a hardness exceeding that of natural diamonds. By subjecting ...
Diamond is well-known for being the hardest natural material on Earth, though synthetic forms have been developed that are even tougher – a feat that researchers have managed again, through a new ...
Goodtzow (NATURE, 119, 494; 1927), that quenched carbon steels contain a phase with a tetragonal crystal structure, which might be considered as a deformation of the body-centred cubic structure ...
The cubic structure of NaCl is not a mere coincidence ... where the interplay of natural forces creates both the striking ...
This synthetic creation possesses a hexagonal crystal form, which provides much greater strength compared to the cubic structure of most natural diamonds. The "super diamond" structure exhibits ...
Most natural and synthetic diamonds feature a cubic lattice structure but ... in the Canyon Diablo meteorite and boasts a hexagonal lattice structure. The lab-grown diamond in question is of ...