A s one of the fathers of the thriller genre, Alfred Hitchcock mastered the art of suspense cinema through classics like ...
“A convincing mock-documentary style lifts "Lake Mungo" beyond spooky supernatural mystery into the realms ... If you’re ...
Whether it’s a tale of exorcism or a psychological thriller about the dangers lurking in every corner, these horror movies on Netflix will tackle your primal fears, making you more alert and ...
The genre-focused service helped to prove the viability of niche streaming when it launched in 2016, boasting a robust library of horror, thriller and sci-fi features, while using its considerable ...
His thriller/horror adaptation of Ryu Murakami’s book ... It may have been his first film, but Argento’s style was already in top form. This mesmerizing riff on Frankenstein is one of the ...
"Heart Eyes" partial movie poster. Heart Eyes, a critically acclaimed Valentine’s Day-themed horror thriller, is new on digital streaming. Rated R, Heart Eyes debuted in theaters on Feb.
Now imagine all those movies baked together on less than 10% of the budget that Eggers, Cameron, and Lawrence typically have to work with, and you've got this turbocharged horror thriller that's a ...
All of that said, and as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. How does this PS1-style horror game look?