Experts are warning that if you see a tiny silver insect roaming around your home, it could signal a big problem in winter.
We've sorted through the tips and hacks to find the common home remedies that can actually get rid of bed bugs.
But did you know many common household pests cannot stand this festive spice? While creepy crawlies, bed bugs and common pests are all part of nature’s ecosystem, these visitors aren't welcome ...
House centipedes are common household insects known for their many legs that help them scurry past you in the blink of an eye. Although house centipedes don’t pose a threat to humans and don’t ...
They’re excellent trappers and, like centipedes, get rid of many household insects that we don’t even see. A weevil is a small insect with a big snout, called a rostrum. These little critters ...
Daddy longlegs are beneficial to the environment. They prey and scavenge on other pests. daddy longlegs cause no harm to structures or to the people inhabiting them. Unfortunately, some people ...
Controlling pests can be expensive, but there's something sitting in your cupboard that could do the trick and save you ...
There are some tips from expert Nashat Abdelsayyed about how to protect your house against insects in spring.