Lawmakers and campaigners in the United Kingdom are pushing for an end to the display of human remains in museums and the ...
It looks like science fiction’s vision of our robot future was right. As robots increasingly become a normal aspect of the ...
Why did it take until 1956 to figure out the correct human chromosome number, thanks to Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan? Aa Aa Aa The rediscovery of Mendel's laws near the beginning of the twentieth ...
especially for objects they’ve never seen before,” Figure says. “Teaching robots even a single new behavior currently requires substantial human effort: either hours of PhD-level expert ...
Figure, maker of the humanoid robot Figure 02, unveiled its new Helix AI in a video showing two robots working together to put away groceries.
“From Life,” a new exhibition by sculptor JeanCherie, showcases decades worth of live figure work, paying homage to the artistic staple. The show features 13 artists local to Vallejo and the ...
Compare this to the natural background rate of one extinction per million species per year, and you can see why scientists refer to it as a crisis unparalleled in human history. The current mass ...
Witnessing Figure 01 effortlessly respond to inquiries and perform tasks with human-like dexterity is a glimpse into the ...
the scheme yielded one of the country’s largest human trafficking and visa fraud investigations, according to the Department of Justice. On Monday, the central figure in the case, 63-year-old ...