A rich, moist cake dipped in a sticky sauce. It is best served warm with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Preheat the oven to 190°C and butter a 1 1/2 litre / 6 cups capacity pudding dish. 2. Combine ...
A recipe for sticky toffee pudding is sacred in the kitchen of a discerning cook. This one contains plenty of soaked dates for a rich molasses flavour that can't be beaten. Preheat the oven to ...
A recipe for sticky toffee pudding is sacred in the kitchen of a discerning cook. This one contains plenty of soaked dates for a rich molasses flavour that can't be beaten. Preheat the oven to ...
"My all-time favourite dessert has to be sticky toffee pudding," she says. "If it's on the menu, I'll always make room. A soft, lightly spiced sponge studded with dates and enough warm toffee ...