With practice, decoding becomes automatic ... Q: How did you notice something was up? A: When [the kindergarten teacher was] tested him for reading, she didn't feel he could read at all, and ...
Kindergarten students at the Charles Street School in Palmyra, New Jersey celebrated "Read Across America Week" by reading ...
These days, the kindergarten curriculum focuses mainly on mastering letters, sounds, and words. Your child will take their first steps toward reading ... so your child can practice writing ...
We have developed an evidence based intervention called Fingerspelling Our Way to Reading, that is specifically designed for deaf and hard of hearing students from kindergarten through second grade.
You can also help make reading a daily ... be lots of time in kindergarten dedicated to letter and sound recognition. But an important first-day skill for your child is to be able to recognize and ...
These resources will not only reinforce the skills taught in the WORDS program but also create a more dynamic and effective ...