Use a balanced fertilizer once a month during the busy ... that may cause leaves to turn yellow and beige. Ethylene damage usually occurs in cooler weather, like fall and winter.
The leaves of many types of azaleas will take on a purple or burgundy tint during cold weather ... leaf drop in fall and again in spring, and Southern magnolias yellow and drop leaves in April ...
Q: Last spring my peach tree leaves were red colored, wrinkled and distorted looking, and they turned yellow and fell off the ...
The U.S. Postal Service celebrates the colorful sights of autumnal walks with the release of five new Vibrant Leaves postcard stamps. Each stamp showcases a single leaf from the aspen, sassafras, oak, ...
During the fall, the sun is not as intense as ... we start to see some of the underlying colors in the leaves. “Some of them are yellow, some of them are red, depending on the tree,” she ...