German toy manufacturer Margarete Steiff GmbH – inventor of the teddy bear – has entered into a strategic partnership with the Melchers Group for expansion into the Chinese market. The joint ...
The first ever stuffed animal was created around 1880 by a German seamstress named Margarete Steiff. Except, it wasn’t a stuffed animal she made, but a small pincushion in the shape of an elephant.
Steiff creates exclusive collector’s bears, "Elsie" and "Ernst," to mark Leica’s 100th anniversary of pioneering 35mm photography.
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-old girl, confined to a wheelchair, to one of the first and most successful creators of toy ...
对徕卡相机公司来说,2025年标志着徕卡I型相机面世100周年。1925年,徕卡I型相机首次在莱比锡春季博览会上面世,它是首款进行大批量生产的徕卡35mm相机。这台相机便携紧凑,打造了全新的摄影方式,并为整个摄影界带来了变革。因此,秉承“百年徕卡:世 ...
徕卡,一个象征着卓越品质、极致精准、创新精神、“德国制造”的传奇品牌,与同样历史悠久的家族企业史黛芙(Margarete Steiff GmbH)秉持着相同的价值观。两大品牌始终以其先锋精神引领各自领域,至今仍致力于打造至臻品质产品,对细节一丝不苟,对美学孜孜追求。无论是影像产品还是高端玩偶,它们都独具魅力,激发世界各地人们的情感共鸣。泰迪熊之父理查德·史戴芙(Richard ...